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About Us
The LiquiLogic Approach to Water Treatment
LiquiLogic is an industry leader specializing in "Ultra-Concentrated" liquid chemical water treatment products applied with compact, wall-mounted dispensers.
Ultra-Concentrated liquid chemicals provide a high quality water treatment program in a safer manner that is simpler and smarter.
Easy Logistics
Small Package Shipping
Fast Install
Install With Minimal Tooling
Waterless Setup
No Water Feed Needed
1-4 Gallon Container Sizes
Safe Handling
Zero Chemical Contact
No Drum Disposal
Did You Know?
Drums are bulky, taking up valuable space. Ultra Concentrates are compact and can store in a very small footprint.
Our Cooling Water Inhibitor weighs 38lbs and treats the same amount of water as a traditional 55 gallon approximately 527lbs.

Some say that optimizing with Ultra-Concentrates is an innovative move.
We just see it as logical.
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